Things I Find Amusing: Week 4 on the Interwebs

20140124-233046.jpgGreat videos to check out:
Blue Man Group goes green: Global Warming. (Click)

Andrea Bocelli sings Elmo to sleep. (Click) He can come sing me a lullaby about counting to 20 ANYTIME.

•Too much adorable wonderfulness. This song was written specifically for these adorable lotto bunnies. (Click)
Cool things to try:
Looking for something to snack on? Try Graze and get your first month free! (click) They personalize the shipments so you’re always being sent something you’ll love. (I just signed up and I’m eagerly anticipating my first box!)

Have you ever been interested in learning more about gluten? My friend Anne did a lecture series on gluten and it’s free through the end of January. (Click) to watch her hilarious and easy to follow lectures for free.
PlanetJoy News:
•I now have Square so I can accept credit card payments for any massages, collages, or collage parties! (Very exciting)

•In case you missed it: SAD, the pineal gland, and activating the seventh chakra.
For only $140 you can schedule as many 30-min massages as you can possibly squeeze in throughout all of February & March.


•Do you have a health question or topic you’d like me to address in an upcoming blog post?

Please let me know in the comments and I’ll start researching!
Have a great weekend!

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment :D