A hack for a low energy day + a recipe

If you struggle with low energy, fatigue, adrenal or chronic fatigue, depression, or can identify as a “spoonie” in any way, this tip might be for you.

Phone a friend.

Literally can’t get off the couch but need to do something wild like: cook food (let’s not get too fancy and try to wash dishes or anything), try calling a friend!

Or even texting sometimes works but there’s something about having someone who loves you on the other end of the line that can give you that little push of motivation that you need.

Call them when you’ve gotten up or have them call you and walk you through whatever task you’re attempting.

Try it.


Brain fog and low on spoons? Hormonal and craving chocolate but allergic to chocolate? Looking for a tasty treat that’s healthy?

Bananas dipped in cacao powder.

Coat each banana bite thoroughly and it will taste like you’re eating truffles.


Let me know what you think! Leave a comment :D