How to Eat so You’ll Finally Stop Breaking Out: Conquering the Battle over Hormonal Acne

The first step to overcoming hormonal acne is to track your period cycle. You’ll need to know which day of your period you are on. I use Hormone Horoscope.

Week 1 

You’re feeling more extroverted and upbeat 

You need iron, sprouted, and fermented foods (think sauerkraut, kefir, pickles) 

This is a great time to do cardio and strength building 

Drink green tea and get your vitamin c 

Day 1-7 


Your skin will be sensitive 

Make sure you are getting enough magnesium (leafy greens, black beans, avocado, figs, bananas, chia seeds, lentils, kidney beans, pumpkin, quinoa, pumpkin seeds)

Great oils to use on your skin at this time: argan, jojoba, and rosehip

Day 1

You’ll have some dry skin– use moisturizer and drink extra h2o

Increase your estrogen

Day 2-6

Pay extra attention to skin morning and night 

Week 2

You have more energy and confidence– this is a great time to get our of your comfort zone 

Your libido is higher 

Drink raw juices and fresh fruit


Day 7-10 

Estrogen is up and skin is getting better 

Eat iron and vitamin c 

Edamame, beans 

Exfoliate your skin with raw honey, brown sugar, or oatmeal 

Use Grapeseed oil on your skin 

Day 10-13 &14 (ovulation day)

Skin is at its BEST

Day 12-16

If you are experiencing spots that means you have too much estrogen 

Take evening primrose oil and borage oil 

Get lots of vitamin A and eat lots of coloful veggies 

Take a collagen supplement or eat a lot of gelatin and bone broth 

Use apricot oil and rosehip oil on your skin 

Week 3

This week is all about focus. It’s great for stressful activities 

Keep your blood sugar stable or you’ll be grouchy 

Get a lot of chlorophyll and greens

Get zinc and protein (cashews, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, salmon, sardines, spinach)

Do fun upbeat exercise  

If you are constipated eat: bananas, broccoli, prunes, berries, green tea, pumpkin, pear, plums, and increase your magnesium intake

Day 15-19

Anti bacterial and anti inflammatory diet (no grains, dairy, or nuts)

Day 17-24

Evening primrose and borage oil supplements 

Eat cleansing veggies (cucumbers, kale, broccoli, beets) 

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic so either take it internally or use it as a toner on your face (make sure to mix with water if putting on your skin since it will sting)

On your skin you can use manuka honey which is an excellent antibiotic (you can also use raw honey) 

The best oils for your skin at this time are: jojoba, Grapeseed, tamanu, and argan

Week 4

Do anything that will boost your mood–lots of intentional self-care

Healthy fats and root veggies 

Avoid caffeine and salt 

Do yoga and take brisk walks 

Boost your seratonin levels with bananas, oats, avocados, tulsi tea, hummus, kiwi, salmon

Take magnesium, calcium, and turmeric 

Day 20-24

Breakouts occurring–combat inflammation 

Get your vitamin A, keep your pores open (unclogged), kill bacteria

Cleanse am and pm 

No grains, dairy, or nuts 

Day 25-28 (or end of cycle)

Pamper skin, drink extra water 

Increase estrogen 

Lower stress levels as much as possible 

Regulate insulin (cranberry juice, lentils, grapefruit, berries, avocado, protein bars, cinnamon, dill)

Drink herbal tea

Support your liver 

Do deep cleansing. (Nettle, mint, lemon, ginger, fennel)

Use rosehip oil on your skin 

Holistic Help for Acne Scars


Oh, acne scars….the zits weren’t bad enough? You wanted to leave me something to remember you by? So sweeeeet.

Acne scars are caused by collagen going crazy trying to protect your body from an open wound.

Which is kind of adorable.


But, it’s like you getting a paper cut and then your mom deciding that maybe 8 bandaids will protect you better than just one.

Except on your face. And then you have to keep the bandaids on for like 6-12 months. And sometimes you get more paper cuts in the mean time…..


Okay. So how do we get the bandaids off?

First, let me tell you my personal skin story:


I have finally cleared up my breakouts that I’ve been having continuously since September.

How? I finally stopped eating processed foods & sugar. I am eating less bread and cheese and more whole foods: fruits and veggies and nuts and grains.

And I started drinking at least 64 oz of water every day (starting the day with warm water with lemon to detox my body)

I’m also taking b-complex, magnesium, vitamin d, and ashwaganda.

I’m also eating a high-protein breakfast within 30-min of waking up.

Before bed, I swipe apple cider vinegar on my face, rinse with water, and apply coconut oil.

All of these things combined have helped balance my hormones and make my skin happy.

Will they work for your skin? I don’t know. But, I’m not breaking out for the first time in 4 months….actually I don’t remember a time in the last 8 years that I didn’t have at least one zit. It’s been a never-ending battle.
Now, I’m able to focus on getting rid of the scars!

Okay, so how do we do that?

Well, media says we could use snail slime, laser treatments, fillers, and other weird things which are gross and/or temporary fixes.

OR we can use some things which are totally healthy and easy to incorporate into our lifestyle.


Every single day:


ACV (apple cider vinegar) +water on your whole face at night.
Mix it with water, the more sensitive your skin the more water you need. (I have sensitive skin so I actually rinsed my face right afterwards the first couple nights. I didn’t seem to have any problems so now I’m mixing the ACV with water and letting it dry on my skin and then just applying my coconut oil*)
*Some people say that coconut oil makes them break out. I use it because in Ayurveda it’s actually the best for acne prone skin. I don’t use it to wash my face though (that’s on the internet a lot….I think that would probably seal in the dirt and then make you break out….wash face and then use coconut oil as moisturizer)
ACV is great because it is antiseptic, it lightens skin, dissolves dead skin cells, balances pH, and minimizes pores, ((along with like 5-bajillion other wonderful things that it does.))

Only at night and only on red scars:
Lemon juice + rose water (1:1)

Two times a day: 
Aloe Vera gel (pure) apply for 30-min and then rinse off




*Drink hot water with lemon every morning to detox your system

*Eat a whole food diet with NO chemicals

*More fiber

*Almonds, tomatoes and cucumbers


*Beta carotene found in yellow fruits and veggies

*Vitamin c- heals collagen and connective tissues

*Silica from fruits and veggies

*Zinc from the dark meat of organic chicken or turkey, beans, eggs, dairy, pumpkin seeds, potatoes

*Fenugreek either as a supplement or as a tea (can place tea bag on your face)

*Green tea (drink or use tea bag on face)

**Vitamin E

*Vitamin A

*Evening primrose oil or fish oil

Essential oils (use as spot treatments only. Use ONLY on scars–place on q-tip to apply.):

******Lavender oil– HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and great for sensitive skin. This is the only one you can apply directly to your skin without a carrier oil. Lavender regenerates damaged skin tissue, reduces inflammation, and fights redness.

All of the following oils you will need to apply along with either grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, or borage seed oil. Or you can apply myrrh oil first.

****Frankincense oil- natural toner (also good for wrinkles!)

**Neroli oil- safe for sensitive skin, clears scars by helping for new cells.

**Helichrysum– *Make SURE to dilute this one. It’s is said to be the MOST effective. And also I’ve heard it’s kind of expensive. But, it does the job.

**Geranium oil

**Calendula– famous for wound-healing capabilities

**Rose hip oil– contains retinol which helps get rid of dead skin

*Rosemary– cleansing

*Carrot seed oil

Sage oil– even old scars respond to this treatment. It’s also anti-stress so it accelerates healing. *Do not consume!!


Masks (1-2 times a week):


Exfoliate GENTLY with baking soda.
(1:2 baking soda to water) Pretend you’re rubbing a baby kitten on your face. Be gentle. If you SCRUB then you might cause your face to break out….that is NOT the point of this exercise.


Probably a little too much honey….

Manuka honey +aloe Vera + lemon juice (lemon juice will fade any pigmentation)


Honey + nutmeg

Bonus fact for people who suffer from acne:

Benzoyl peroxide contains free-redicals, ages skin, and depletes your body of antioxidants….so don’t put it on your skin!

Maybe using some ACV will change your life the way it’s changed mine.


If you have anything helpful to add, leave a comment! Thank you.

Malady Monday: Eczema


Atopic dermatitis AKA Eczema is always itchy

(if it’s not itchy then it’s not eczema, it’s something else called Keratosis Pilaris (KP))

It’s a chronic allergic condition characterized by areas of itchy, scaly rashes. 


In ayurveda eczema is also called vicharchika.

There are 3 kinds:
Vata: DRY usually accompanied by constipation & anxiety; aggravated by cold and relieved with sesame oil

Pitta: INFLAMED red and burning; aggravated by heat

Kapha: MOIST cold, sticky, oozing, swollen; aggravated by dairy, oil, and sugar

Most common version is PITTA.


What helps all 3 kinds of eczema:
Turmeric (anti-inflammatory) Sandalwood

For chronic eczema take licorice after you have finished detoxing with triphala (take triphala at night)

Externally use ghee, aloe vera, turmeric, neem*, and tulsi

*NEEM: relieves pain and protects from secondary infection

Vata eczema
⊙Sign of dehydration

⊙Use sesame oil externally

⊙Take castor oil internally

⊙Eat sweet, sour, and salty foods

⊙Take triphala, guggol, cardamom

⊙Use ghee with triphala, neem, and cardamom

Pitta eczema
⊙Avoid dairy, nightshades, oranges, peaches, strawberries

⊙Also avoid sun and heat

⊙Eat sweet, bitter, and astringent foods

⊙Drink coconut juice

⊙Internal: burdock, neem, dandelion, triphala, gotu kola, sandalwood, aloe, and amalaki

⊙External: rose water, coconut juice, aloe, gotu kola, sandalwood oil, neem, and turmeric

Kapha eczema
⊙Sign of poor digestion

⊙Avoid heavy, greasy, and oily foods (especially cheese & yogurt)

⊙Eat pungent, bitter, and astringent foods

⊙Internal: thyme, triphala, ginger, cardamom, gotu kola, and dandelion

⊙External: turmeric, neem, and chamomile


Did you know your skin is your largest organ of elimination? So, if you are having skin problems you need to change what is going into your body.


⊙Perform a liver cleanse

⊙Follow anti-inflammatory diet

⊙Eat grass fed animals vs. Grain fed (acid producing)

⊙Avoid caffeine

⊙Eliminate milk which irritates your immune system

Try to get more sulfur into your diet (eczema can be caused by a sulfur deficiency)

⊙Avoid shellfish (makes you itchy), hot spicy foods (adds dryness), and excess sugar and starch (adds dampness)

You can make a homemade salt and magnesium spray (magnesium flakes + Himalayan crystal salt)
Or take baths in the same solution


Essential Oils
Try using calendula lotion
Also try calendula tea + 5 drops of lavender oil 2x per day.

Other essential oils that can help are:
Bergamot, eucalyptus, juniper, Roman chamomile, lavender, & rosemary


Oils and Vitamins
Add GLAs (gamma-linolenic acids) to your diet with Borage oil and Evening Primrose Oil (500mg, 2x per day)

Also add Omega-3s

Take fermented cod liver oil

Take vitamin c, vitamin d, and vitamin e


Don’t use soap and avoid wool
Wear cotton-lined gloves when washing dishes



Let me know in the comments some things that have helped you find relief and healing from eczema.

Joy Boardman

Massage Therapist and Collage Art Therapist

Planet Joy: Otherworldly Massages for Women, Planet-Friendly Collages for Everyone

Find me here:

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Holistic Help for Keratosis Pilaris (KP)

KP (keratosis pilaris)

Aka chicken skin or goose flesh

Affects 50% of adolescents–more women than men

(usually clears up by age of 30)

Also affects 40% of adults

Affects people who have Celtic backgrounds

Similar to eczema only not itchy

Caused by hyperkeratinization (over production of keratin: it multiplies faster than it sheds) around hair follicles on skin


Keratin is the hard protein that strengthens hair and nails.

KP is acne-like and accumulates on upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.

It’s a vata, dry skin condition

Moisturizing skin is key to treating KP

Massage with sesame oil

Coconut oil (especially combined with ACV)

Magnesium oil


Also Exfoliate


Exfoliating improves circulation, prevents clogging of dead skin cells, and removes build up of keratin

*Do not rub hard and cause irritation (or body will protect itself by producing MORE keratin!!)

Use coconut oil and sugar to scrub body

Also make sure to dry brush before every shower!


Do a liver detox (liver blood is not nourishing your skin)


Use a humidifier in the winter


Corn products


Dairy (KP is often caused by an intolerance to casein “dairy proteins”)

Try to eliminate dairy first for 6 weeks

And then meat for 6 weeks before reintroducing

See if you notice a difference

In body care avoid sodium lauryl sulfate



ACV (apple cider vinegar)

Magnesium (100-300mg)

*Vitamin C (reduces inflamation and ingrown hairs)


Borage oil

**Cod liver oil

Vitamin D

Vitamin K2

Most importantly:


Vitamin A

The most widely recognized nutritional deficiency of recent times

Take MORE Vitamin A in cold weather

Eat cows liver & egg yolks (which also contain Vitamin D)







Plenty of water (3 liters)

1 pint of carrot juice every day

Raw milk instead of regular milk


Ghee (clarified butter)

Omega-3s (Fish oil, chia seeds, and flax seeds)

More greens (your body needs more chlorophyll)


I have personally struggled with KP ever since I can remember so I’ve been wanting to do this research for a looooooong time.

Let me know which things help you!
Remember it’s important to heal your body from the inside out!

Joy Boardman

Massage Therapist and Collage Art Therapist

Planet Joy: Otherworldly Massages for Women, Planet-Friendly Collages for Everyone

Find me here:

[PlanetJoy’s Blog]

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Detox for Pitta: Ayurveda


Too much Pitta:
Fever, inflammation, indigestion, rashes, ulcers, body odor, acidity, breakouts….

The focus of your pitta detox is:
cleansing of the blood and liver

Helpful detox herbs for pitta:
Neem. Neem is powerful for eliminating toxins in the blood. It is anti-viral & anti-bacterial.
(Use neem oil and neem soap)

Amalaki. Amalaki keeps your colon clean. It’s great for detoxing and rich in antioxidants (supports the immune system)


Guidelines for Detox:
Wake up around 6 AM
Sleep by 10 P

In the morning massage your body with warm sunflower or coconut oil.
Follow your massage with a cool shower or bath with neroli, sandalwood, or eucalyptus oil.

Start your day with a glass of warm (not hot) water.

Avoid strenuous exercise.
Exercise in the cool morning or evening (not in the heat of the day)
A 20-30 min walk in the morning is great. Breathe deeply.
Exercise with softness and compassion.
Forward bends will cool you.
Moon salutations will balance you.
Spinal twists will massage your liver and spleen.

Wear blues and purples and whites.
Get plenty of rest.
Take breaks during the day. Meditate or sing.

Best days for detox juice fast are Tuesday & Sunday
Only fast for 3 consecutive meals

**Do not skimp on QUANTITY**
((You will get grumpy!!))

As soon as you lose energy and get hungry: eat rice
When rice is no longer enough (still hungry): eat kitchari

Eat only when hungry.
Settle yourself before and after you eat.
Pay attention to your food when you eat. (No distractions)
Always leave room after you eat to help with digestion (only eat 3/4 your stomach capacity)
**Do not overeat while detoxing.

Largest meal at lunch
Good to eat at about the same time everyday.
**Do not skip meals while detoxing.

The juice:
Drink pomegranate, carrot, and lime juices.
Add lemon and honey and pepper.

Dandelion tea will help your liver release bile (helps with digestion and detox)
Also drink plenty of cool water (not cold)

Stay hydrated.

Eat: ((you can add these to your juices, as well and then eat them whole (in soups or cooked NOT RAW) when you are ready for food, again))
Veggies: lots of romaine and celery, collards, kale, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage
Fruits: melons, plums, peaches, cooked prunes, figs, apple, pears, pineapple, papaya
Grains: quinoa, barley, amaranth, rice

Spices to add to EVERYTHING:
Cumin, coriander, fennel, turmeric, ginger, fenugreek

Hot, spicy, fermented, salty, oily, fried, caffeine, alcohol
Avoid heavy dairy (cheese, yogurt)
Raw foods, heavy desserts

Kitchari recipe for pitta
1/2 c mung dal (yellow not green)
1 c basmati rice
3 c water
3 T ghee
1 inch piece of ginger peeled and cut finely
1 t coconut
1 t fennel
1 t cilantro
3 cinnamon sticks
1/2 t turmeric
And pick 2 veggies (1 c of each): green beans, carrots, peas, cauliflower

Wash rice and dal well (rinse, strain, rinse, strain)
Cook in water till only 1/2 the water is left
While cooking roast all of the spices in the ghee.
Once roasted, add the veggies.
Add to the rice and dal. Cook till ALL of the water is absorbed. ((Approximately 35-40 min)


Joy Boardman

Massage Therapist and Collage Art Therapist

Planet Joy: Otherworldly Massages for Women, Planet-Friendly Collages for Everyone

Find me here:

[PlanetJoy’s Blog]

[PlanetJoy’s Etsy Shop]

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Oily/Sensitive Skin&Hair: Kapha-Pitta

Oily, Sensitive Skin (Kapha-Pitta)
((Stomach, Colon, and Liver))

If you struggle with oily hair and skin (a kapha imbalance) and have sensitive skin, prone to breakouts (a pitta imbalance) the following guidelines will help.
Because this is a holistic guide it will help your whole body.
Try it for 2 weeks and see if it helps your skin and hair.
You will most likely even lose some weight as you reduce the kapha in your body.

Wash with gentle soap for sensitive skin.20130118-102235.jpg((I found this on Etsy: Organic Vegan Soap: french clay and avocado facial bar: $7.00))

Or 1:1 lemon juice and water: allow to dry, then rinse completely with warm water and then cool water. 2xday

Follow with sesame oil. Great for oily skin (disinfects, too–I use it all the time.)

Tea tree oil on spots.

No harsh cosmetics– Only use gentle and natural, water-based makeup on spots

Don’t touch face during the day

20130118-102038.jpg((I found this on Etsy: Neutralize Organic Face Cream - Acne/ Oily / Problem Skin. $6.59 ))

1-2x Weekly
20130118-104422.jpg((I found this on Etsy: matcha green clay mask $7.00 ))
Use clay on skin–mud mask 1-2x per week:
Equal amounts of honey and green clay powder. Leave on 10-15 min.

Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Recipe: Soak a thin cloth in a mixture of 1 TBS apple cider vinegar per 1/2 cup of warm water. Apply then layer a hot, wet cloth over top. Rest for 10 minutes then remove and splash face (first with warm water then finish with cool).
Egg White Tonic: Whisk an egg white for one minute (or until it thickens) then add 1 tsp of honey, whisk some more then add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Cover face and neck, remove after 10 mins.

Oily hair needs daily washing, but using a moisturizing or body-boosting shampoo will add more oil to your hair.

Instead, massage a mixture of baking soda and water–use about 1 tsp. of baking soda per one-fourth cup of water–into your roots while you shower.
Be sure to rub your entire head, including your temples and the back of your skull, to get maximum grease-fighting power.

20130115-230214.jpg((I found this on Etsy: Dead Sea Mud Shampoo Bar for Oily Hair Types $6.50 ))

Lemon juice’s natural acidity makes it an excellent foil for oily hair.
Juice of one lemon+1 cup of water: massage on scalp after shampoo, leave on 5 min, rinse with warm water

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar+ water: rinse hair with this after shampoo, then rinse with warm water. (Acts as a barrier to grease.)

Leave in:
After shampoo and conditioner, apply witch hazel to scalp

No fried foods or excessive spices

Reduce dry foods (crackers, bread, chips) and drink a lot of water

Reduce dairy

No sweets (add oiliness to skin)
use honey not sugar

Use flaxseed oil (great for skin)
Lots of sweet, juicy fruits:
((Apples, cherries, grapefruit, lemon, oranges, tangerines, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, persimmon))
Raw or steamed veggies
((Cabbage, *celery, onions, pumpkin, radish, *spinach, tomato, water chestnuts))
–spinach with vinegar and flaxseed oil will help you immensely: great for lunch.

Peppermint, fenugreek, or raspberry tea
Licorice, fennel, peppermint
Ginger and black pepper
TUMERIC: moves lymph ((add to food and add a punch to your cleanser.))

Do detox regularly
Exercise for circulation (20 min/day)

Do you have any tips for oily, sensitive skin and hair? Share in the comments!

Joy Boardman

Massage Therapist and Collage Art Therapist

Planet Joy: Otherworldly Massages for Women, Planet-Friendly Collages for Everyone

Find me here:

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