12 Nutrition Ideas for a Happy Heart 

1. Listen to relaxing music to slow your heart rate, lower stress, and steady your systolic blood pressure. (Try out my massage music playlist that I play when my clients come in for a massage.)

2. Increase your intake of omega-3 rich foods to protect yourself from heart disease. Omega-3s may provide blood-thinning benefits without side effects

3. Use neroli essential oil (aka orange blossom). The oil helps many heart-related conditions, from palpitations to lovesickness. (Always use 100% pure, therapeutic-grade oils)

4. Take a B-complex supplement to ensure that your body doesn’t carry too much of the amino acid homocysteine which can put you at a greater risk for heart disease.

5. Limit your daily salt intake to 1 teaspoon to keep your blood pressure from rising. I also recommend switching to Himalayan crystal salt. The herb oregano can help reduce salt cravings. 

6. Use rose oil and rose water to lower stress. The natural scent lifts mood, calms the fight-or-flight stress response, and tames tension. It’s also excellent for your skin. (Again always use 100% pure, therapeutic-grade oils)

7. Gum disease can lead to an increase of pro-inflammatory bacteria in the blood leading to cardiovascular disease and plaque around the heart. 

8. Two out of three people with diabetes succumb to heart disease or stroke, according to the American Diabetes Association. Avoid foods that spike blood sugar levels.  

9. Ylang-ylang essential oil quiets heart palpitations, reduces anxiety, and puts you in the mood for love. 

10. Garlic can help lower your total cholesterol which can lower your risk of heart attack or stroke. 

11. Cayenne pepper improves circulation, lowers cholesterol, and prevents blood clots. 

12.  Curcumin which is found in turmeric prevents artherosclerosis, a build up of fatty deposits and cellular waste that clogs arteries. 

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