My Favorite Free Apps

Here’s a list of my very favorite apps. I use these every day and they make my life way better.


Songza–music app which has SO MANY free playlists to choose from based on how you are feeling or what you are doing. I use this app when I’m doing massages because there are no ads and it’s fun to always be exposed to new music.

Shazam–identity songs you hear on the radio, in movies, on tv, at the bank…. I love this app so much. And they keep making it faster.


Pomodoro Challenge–basically you set timer for how long you want to work and how long of a break you would like to take and this app will let you know when to stop working, GET UP, and take a break. I get SO MUCH MORE accomplished when I use this.

App Detox— set a schedule for when you’d like apps turned off….

Self-Control–same thing only even more strict.

Phases of the Moon— I’m pretty hippie dippy at heart so this app is not only beautiful but it’s also awesome because it tells you what sign the moon is in….also good for showing when full and new moons are. ((Full moon: wrapping things up; New moon: starting new things.))

Hootsuite–I pop everything I want to post on Facebook and Twitter into this app and it schedules it for me. Less thinking, yay!


Pic Collage–great way to stitch photos together. There used to be another app I used called MIXEL but, I guess they got rid of it….this one is different and comes with super cute stickers to “paste” all over your photos.

Phonto–my biggest business helper. I use this for all of my ads….I’m telling you instead of hoarding it all to myself.

Instagram–obviously. If you haven’t heard of this yet, I wanna visit your planet some day. In the meantime, I’m just gonna keep enjoying editing my photos….they have seriously stepped up their game, lately. Follow me @planetjoyeaux

Flipagram–turn photos into cute videos….yes. I’m gonna start using this for advertising. I already made my #socktober video with this app.

**Afterlight— (not free but totally worth the money! I was SO HAPPY when they finally brought it to android.) I use this for the awesome filters and also for the crop frame tool which makes it so that I can fit my photos on instagram ((priorities, yo.))

A W E S O M E   T I M E   W A S T E R S   F I L L E R S

YouTube— Because cat videos. (Parole de chat)….
Also excellent knowledge (Ze Frank, ASAP Science), funny girls (Grace Helbig, Jenna Marbles, The Ellen Show, French and Parfait) and free exercise (Melissa West, Jessica Smith, Fitness Blender)….

Podcast Addict— I like this one. There was another (called Swell) that disappeared into the ether….((sadface)) I follow RadioLab, Freakanomics, DinnerParty Download, Elevation Church, This American Life, and Stuff to Blow Your Mind. I love listening to podcasts while crafting.

Pinterest— I adore pinterest. It’s fabulous for finding lots of great ideas and SMASHING them together to make my own thing. I am endlessly inspired.


Feedly–I use this to keep track of all the blogs I read. Instead of having to go to a million different websites, I just hop on this app and they are all in one place.

WordPress–Obviously this is how I write in my blog since I don’t have a computer. Easy to use :)


Kindle–I’ve read almost all the OZ books because of the wonderful kindle app. It took me so long to give in….but, it’s really just a great way to always be carrying a book with you.

Goodreads— I love being able to see what my friends are reading, review books I’ve finished, and keep track of how much I’ve read.

Do you use any apps that you think are AMAZING? Please share :)